Back on the WWW
We’ve slacked, for a long time over here on our site. Sometimes that’s just the way it goes. We are trying to be better about posting here, so stay tuned.
March Madness
Social Media
Join us over on instagram for the March Madness with Pose Patch fun, full details there!

Weekly Fave | February Week 1 | Lu nocks Photography
Weekly Faves
How can you not love this incredible image. This girl is beautiful, each day she is changing & growing. To see more of Luciana’s work click here, you’re sure to find lots of beautiful images. Thank you for sharing your talent with us and Congrats on having this weeks, Weekly fave image!

Weekly Fave – January Week 4 – Mao Photography
Weekly Faves
An absolutely stunning capture by the talented Mao Photography, it also happens to be our most liked photo (to date) on our Instagram. Congrats Melissa, your talent is undeniable, thank you for always shoring your work with us.
Weekly Fave – January week 3 – Liz Franco Photography – The Studio 1111
Weekly Faves
It’s been a while since this has happened, we have a tie for the Weekly fave winner!It’s no surprise that these two photos were among the favorites, they’re absolutely stunning. Congrats to Liz Franco Photography (left photo) & The Studio 1111 (right photo).

Weekly Fave – Week 2 – Catch me If you can photos
Weekly Faves
This weeks weekly fave is by the talented photographer Kristie of Catch me if you can Photos. Such a beautiful capture of this redheaded senior.

Weekly Fave – Week 1 2016 | Kelsey Tilleman Photography
Weekly Faves
We’re starting off the year with this beautiful Redhead, captured so beautifully by Kelsey Tilleman Photography. If this is the image that is kickin off weekly fave images, it’s sure to be a year full of amazing images!!

Weekly Fave – Bbeautiful Artistry
Weekly Faves
This weeks beautiful winning, weekly fave photo, comes to us from BbeautifulArtistry She is not only a talented photographer, but also a Hair & Makeup artist. She is quite the artist, be sure to check out her site to see more of her work!

Pose Patch Button
Pose Patch Rants,Social Media
If you’ve been featured on our site, please feel free to GRAB OUR BUTTON!!! Feel free to resize the image as needed.

Weekly Fave – Melissa White Photography
Weekly Faves
If you’ve not come across Melissas work, you should click on over to her site. Her work is beautiful, it’s vibrant, crisp, classic and she’s sure to inspire you! We’ve had the pleasure of featuring Melissa a few times, and we’re so glad to see that the masses enjoy her talent as much as we do. To see more of her work, click on Melissa White Photography. Congrats to you Melissa!